Monday, September 12, 2011

Pakistan’s role in eliminating Osama

The world has got rid of the most dreaded terrorist. US and Pakistan claim that it was an ‘US only’ operation. But should we buy those statements? No. It is hard to believe that the US choppers were able to fly into this militarily important town without being intercepted by Pakistan’s defence forces. Pakistan is simply trying to avoid the backlash and so disowns the credit to what they could have probably been part of. 

One could even opine that Osama might have been tricked to be trapped in Abbottabad by Pakistan intelligence. This could be perceived a possibility given the less publicized yet militarily important nature of the town. So, Osama would be left with relying on Pakistan’s military and not his own fighters for the military town could only accommodate a few dreaded terrorists. This could have helped the forces target Osama with less resistance.  By eliminating Osama, the troubled and gradually talibanising Pakistan could divert the focus of Taliban towards Afghanistan and this could salvage Pakistan herself facing the fate of Afghanistan in the hands of western powers. 

Also, in the hind scene, US and other allies could definitely be in the know of Pakistan’s role in this operation. In fact, Pakistan could be the only country other than US to know of this operation from the start. But the helpless Pakistan government fighting the radical elements within their own territory has to be in denial only. Probably, we can wait to see if wikileaks indeed has anything to leak on this operation.

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